Intro Text Request for OARSI Endorsement or Sponsorship NON-OARSI MEETINGS Complete All Forms of Request 1) Check one: OARSI Endorsement OARSI Sponsorship (financial) Joint Program - OARSI and another group/society 2) Contact Name: Institution: Address: City: State: Country: Zip: Phone: Fax: E-mail: 3) Are you a current OARSI member: Yes No 4) Is this request on behalf of a society/organization? Yes No If Yes Text Please list and provide contact email and phone number: Society/Organization: Contact Name: Contact Phone: Contact Email: 5) Program Title: 6) Target Audience and Expected Attendance: 7) List all other endorsers and sponsors (including industry). Next to each sponsor, indicate if funding and the amount that has been secured: 8) How will this Meeting be promoted? 9) Will OARSI Members receive a registration discount? 10) How will OARSI be recognized? What is the benefit to OARSI? 11) Program Course Directors: 12) Course Description: 13) Goals & Objectives: 14) Learner Outcomes: 15) Proposed Meeting Date and Location: 16) Speaker/Moderator Reimbursement Policy: 17) How will Proceeds (Surplus) of the Meeting be Used? Budget Text *For funding/sponsorship please include copy of the budget and program with speakers.* Budget Copy Upload Upload requirementsOne file only.2 MB limit.Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx. Program with Speakers Upload Upload requirementsOne file only.2 MB limit.Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx. Submit