Awards and Scholarships

Lifetime Achievement Award  

Purpose: This award is intended to honor a person who has devoted much of their career to the advancement of the science associated with osteoarthritis, played an active role in promoting the OARSI mission and demonstrated exemplary professionalism.  The winner receives travel support and complimentary Congress registration and will be recognized during the Opening Ceremony at World Congress.

Eligibility Criteria: Researchers who have devoted their career to OA research for at least 20 years. The person must be a past or present OARSI member. Current Board members, current Nominating Committee members and previous winners of this award are not eligible. Industry partners and designated representatives affiliated with companies involved in OARSI sponsorship are not eligible. 

Nomination Process: Nomination by OARSI members including industry partners and Board members. Self-nomination is not possible. Nominating Committee members are not eligible to submit nominations or letters of recommendation.

Nomination Requirements: Letter of recommendation with impact statement reflecting award evaluation criteria (up to two letters of one page each) and CV of the candidate (up to three pages). At least one letter must be from outside of the candidate’s institution.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Dedication:  Candidate has dedicated at least 20 years of their career to the field of OA research, with consideration to the consistency and sustained impact of the candidate’s contribution to the mission of the OARSI.
  • Impact:  Candidate has made significant and relevant contributions to scientific advancement within the field of OA research.
  • Leadership: Candidate demonstrates effective leadership and takes an active role in mentoring and shaping the next generation of professionals in the field.
  • Innovation and Collaboration: Candidate demonstrates originality and creativity in their work, particularly contributing to interdisciplinary and international collaboration.
  • Service to OARSI: Candidate has supported the OARSI mission through voluntary contributions to organizational committees, taskforces and initiatives.

Please submit your letter of nomination to OARSI Executive Director Elizabeth Grotos at by January 22, 2025.  

Lifetime Achievement Award Sponsor:

Go to (Research_Education subpage)

Past Award Recipients

Clinical Research Award  

Purpose: To promote advancement and recognize excellence in clinical research in the OA field.  The winner receives travel support and complimentary Congress registration and will be recognized during the Opening Ceremony at World Congress.

Eligibility Criteria: OARSI members who have contributed an impactful body of work within the field of OA research during the last 5 years. Current Board members, current Nominating Committee members, previous winners of this award, Industry partners and designated representatives affiliated with companies involved in OARSI sponsorship are not eligible.

Nomination Process: Nomination by OARSI members including industry partners and Board members. Self-nomination is not possible. Nominating Committee members are not eligible to submit nominations or letters of recommendation.

Nomination Requirements: Letter of recommendation with impact statement reflecting award evaluation criteria (up to two letters of one page each) and CV of the candidate (up to three pages). At least one letter must be from outside of the candidate’s institution.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Significance, Relevance and Impact:  Candidate demonstrates a record of significance and impact within their OA clinical research findings during the last 5 years, focused on improving patient care and outcomes.
  • Translational Potential:  OA research from the candidate during the last 5 years demonstrates clear potential for translation of findings into clinical practice and/or interventions.
  • Methodological Rigor:  Research from the candidate during the last 5 years demonstrates robustness and validity of the study design, ethical considerations and compliance with regulatory standards.
  • Innovation and Collaboration: Candidate demonstrates advancement through collaboration and interdisciplinary approaches employed in conducting the research.

Nominations are due by January 22, 2025.

Click here to submit a nomination for the Clinical Research Award.

Past Award Recipients

Basic Science Research     

Purpose:  To promote advancement and recognize excellence in basic research in the OA field.  The winner receives travel support and complimentary Congress registration and will be recognized during the Opening Ceremony at World Congress.

Eligibility Criteria: OARSI members who have contributed an impactful body of work within the field of OA research during the last 5 years. Current Board members, current Nominating Committee members, previous winners of this award, Industry partners and designated representatives affiliated with companies involved in OARSI sponsorship are not eligible.

Nomination Process: Nomination by OARSI members including industry partners and Board members. Self-nomination is not possible.  Nominating Committee members are not eligible to submit nominations or letters of recommendation.

Nomination Requirements: Letter of recommendation with impact statement reflecting award evaluation criteria (up to two letters of one page each) and CV of the candidate (up to three pages). At least one letter must be from outside of the candidate’s institution.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Significance, Relevance and Impact:  Candidate demonstrates a record of scientific significance and impact within their research findings in the OA basic science field during the last 5 years.
  • Methodological Rigor:  Research from the candidate during the last 5 years shows robustness with a clear validity of the research methods and data analysis techniques employed.
  • Contribution to Knowledge:  Research published by the candidate has advanced fundamental knowledge and understanding in the field of OA basic research during the last 5 years.
  • Innovation and Collaboration:  Candidate demonstrates originality and novelty within their research approach or discoveries that show clear potential to lead to future breakthroughs in the field of OA research.

Nominations are due by January 22, 2025.

Click here to submit a nomination for the Basic Science Research Award.

Past Award Recipients

Rising Star Award

Two Rising Star Awards (one Basic and one Clinical Research)

Purpose: To recognize and promote exceptional early and mid-career researchers within basic and clinical research in the OA field. The winner receives travel support and complimentary Congress registration and will be recognized during the Opening Ceremony at World Congress.

Criteria for application: OARSI members who received their terminal degree (e.g., PhD or equivalent) less than 10 years ago. Exceptions are made for leave related to career disruptions (e.g., parental or sick leave) or full-time clinical work. Board members are eligible. Current Nominating Committee members, Industry partners and designated representatives affiliated with companies involved in OARSI sponsorship and previous winners of this award are not eligible. 

Nomination Process: Self-nomination or nomination by OARSI members.  Nominating Committee members are not eligible to submit nominations or letters of recommendation.

Nomination Requirements: Letter of recommendation with impact statement highlighting 3-5 impactful papers, where the candidate is senior author on at least one paper (up to two letters of one page each) and reflecting evaluation criteria alongside CV of the candidate (up to three pages). At least one letter should be from outside of the candidate’s institution.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Innovation and Potential:  Candidate demonstrates innovative approaches and ideas with potential for future contributions to the field of OA basic/clinical research.
  • Achievement:  Candidate has successfully negotiated early career challenges demonstrating significant achievements and scientific contributions within the OA field.
  • Impact: Published findings from the candidate have made substantial contributions to the field of OA basic/clinical research.
  • Adaptability and Growth:  The candidate demonstrates ability to adapt to new challenges, address new opportunities and grow professionally.

Nominations are due by January 22, 2025.

Click here to submit a nomination for the Rising Star Award.

Past Award Recipients 


Find information and apply for scholarship here.