Committee Applications

OARSI is accepting applications for new committee members with terms to begin after the World Congress (April 2025). If you are interested in applying for a committee(s), please complete an application. Applications are due by December 31, 2024 for the next committee cycle of appointments.

Please visit the Committees page to learn more about each committee, responsibilities of committee members, including estimated time commitments, and current Committee rosters.


Committee policies and descriptions are below.

Committee Policies and Descriptions

  • Each committee will have up to 10 members with staggered 3-year terms
  • The chair of the committee may not be a board member, except for the nominating committee as prescribed in the bylaws (Exceptions may be made from time to time).
  • Committee chairs select members of their committees from a pool of interested candidates and will consider geography, gender and expertise to ensure that each committee reflects the diversity of the OARSI membership.
  • Each committee will have one board member to act as the Board liaison.
  • The terms of reference for each committee will be posted on the website and revised every three years.
  • After the committee meeting at the Congress, each committee will submit plans for the upcoming year to the OARSI Board.
  • Committee member names, pictures, area of expertise and personal statement will be added to the website.

Asian Alliances  
The goal of the Asian Alliances Committee is to establish collaborations with local societies to plan scientific and educational programming in Asia. The committee will also develop an OARSI slide deck and translate the guidelines and white paper to various Asian languages.

  • Time Commitment: 12 hours spent on outside work (on average) including meetings. 
  • Meetings: The Asian Alliances Committee typically holds one teleconference per quarter and an in-person meeting at the OARSI World Congress.
  • Other Work: Members will assist with identifying, developing & implementing OA educational programming and research networking in the Asia-Pacific region (approx. 6 hours throughout the year)
  • Requirements/Skills for Prospective Members: Most Committee members have broad connections & networks with OA researchers/organizations & relevant professional bodies in the Asia-Pacific region. Some have experience with social media or other communication channels in the region.

The goal of the Communications Committee is to improve OARSI visibility through communication vehicles including the website, newsletter and social media. The committee will focus on improving the website and social media presence and will review selected articles for the bi-monthly newsletter.

  • Time Commitment: 12 hours spent on outside work (on average) including meetings
  • Meetings: Members will be assigned to select articles for the OARSI news email approximately two months per year (~1 hour total). Members may be asked to draft social media posts highlighting the OARSI World Congress program (2-3 hours) and work on other initiatives throughout the year (2-3 hours).
  • Other Work: Members will be assigned to select articles for the OARSI news email approximately two months per year (~1 hour total). Members may be asked to draft social media posts highlighting the OARSI World Congress program (2-3 hours) and work on other initiatives throughout the year (2-3 hours).
  • Requirements/Skills for Prospective Members: Most Committee members have some experience with social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook) or other communication channels (podcasting, newsletters, patient engagement, etc.).

Early Career Investigator
The Early Career Investigator Committee's goal is to increase early career and young investigator interest and participation in OARSI in order to foster new and strengthen existing research efforts, collaborations and mentorship opportunities in both clinical and basic science studies of osteoarthritis. The committee plans workshops and mentorship sessions at the OARSI World Congress and maintains Twitter and Facebook accounts.

  • Time Commitment: 10-20 hours spent on organizing work over the year (additional time closer to and during the annual congress)
  • Meetings: Teleconference meetings are held approximately quarterly as a full committee, individual committee members may meet at their own discretion to organize/plan initiatives or events. Additionally, committee meetings occur closer to and during the annual congress.
  • Other Work: The committee's primary goal is to advocate for students and ECIs in the OARSI committee and help increase accessibility, engagement, and opportunities for these members. The committee plans 3 events at the World Congress, a pre-congress workshop, a luncheon workshop, and the meet-the-mentors and after-party event. Additional tasks include curating and promoting ECI-relevant information for the social media sites. Three special positions within the committee are the Social Media Coordinator, Committee Liaison, and the Asian Outreach Coordinator.
  • Requirements/Skills for Prospective Members: Members must be considered an Early Career Investigator (or student) based on the OARSI definition (10-year post-terminal degree; with accommodations). Having attended at least 1 OARSI congress prior to joining is highly beneficial given the involvement the committee has in planning events.

Engagement Committee

The Engagement Committee curates the OARSI Live Webinar Series and explores all methods of engaging OARSI Members, with a particular focus on virtual activities.

  • Time Commitment: 6-8 hours total in addition to meeting times.
  • Meetings: The Engagement Committee meets approximately 6 times per year (as needed), for 1 hour. Meetings during the year are held over Zoom, with an in-person meeting at the OARSI World Congress.
  • Other Work: Committee members may be asked to organize and/or moderate the OARSI Live webinars (6 per year), which involves contacting speakers, drafting the program and advertising materials, and attending a practice session prior to the webinar. Committee members may also be asked to contribute to other initiatives throughout the year (e.g. First-time OARSI Congress attendees program).
  • Requirements/Skills for Prospective Members: Active engagement in committee meetings (e.g. OARSI Live topic discussions and planning), communication via Zoom and email.

Ethics and Governance Committee

The Ethics and Governance Committee ensures that all OARSI activities meet the highest ethical standards of the Society. The Committee reviews disclosures from the board, board nominees, committee and initiative participants and makes recommendations to the board and enforces the OARSI Code of Ethics. The Committee will also be responsible for reviewing OARSI’s governance policies (bylaws, committee mandates) and make recommendations to the board.

  • Time Commitment: Typically 6-8 hours per year, including meetings.
  • Meetings: In person meeting at the OARSI World Congress, with additional ad hoc teleconferences when required.
  • Other Work: Members will be required to be familiar with and, upon request, review updates and modifications to the Code of Ethics, OARSI bylaws and Code of Conduct. The committee may be requested to review the Conflict/Duality of Interest Disclosures of any Board member or Officer. Members will also be expected to assist in the review of any ethical issues or questions raised by members or by the OARSI Board or other Officials.
  • Requirements/Skills for Prospective Members: Familiarity with the organizational structure and activities of OARSI are beneficial.

The role of the Finance Committee is to advise the board on actions needed to maintain OARSI’s solvency. The committee works closely with the OARSI Treasurer and Industry relations staff member to identify approaches to new sources of funding and sponsorship and assess how to monetize OARSI activities.

  • Time Commitment: Monthly meetings in the quarter preceding the congress; quarterly meetings thereafter. (6-12 hours per year, depending on initiatives)
  • Meetings: The Finance Committee typically holds one teleconference per quarter, with monthly teleconferences in the months leading up to the OARSI World Congress and an in-person meeting at the OARSI World Congress.
  • Other Work: Members are assigned research tasks based upon upcoming OARSI initiatives, advising the board of directors (via the treasurer) on the financial feasibility of different ideas and recommending different initiatives that could support OARSI’s mission.
  • Requirements/Skills for Prospective Members: There really are no requirements, beyond interest in helping the society. It’s good to have opinions that span the career stages of the society to ensure the society’s finances are serving the breadth of our members. However, most Committee members have experience in managing larger grants or contracts, and/or have connections with outside vendors or constituents with an interest in interacting with OARSI members.

The Program Committee plans the annual OARSI World Congress. The committee selects the abstract categories, session topics, and speakers and reviews the pre-Congress workshops. The committee also reviews and scores abstracts.

  • Meetings: Monthly from May to October and then 3 months until the congress
  • Requirements/Skills for Prospective Members: 
    • Tasks: Ideas of presentation, topics, speakers, abstract scoring, moderation during the congress
    • Skills: Expertise in her/his research field and also curiosity to give some ideas in OA research beyond this expertise field. Having an overview of research advances in OA

The Publications Committee oversees the editorial office of OARSI and the relationship with the publisher of the journals. This committee evaluates the publisher and negotiates new or renewal publisher and editor contracts, provides advice to the editors and discusses issues related to the journals.

  • Time Commitment: 12 hours spent on outside work (on average) including meetings. Time spent is highly dependent on actual business, such as the change of editor.
  • Meetings: The Publication Committee typically holds one teleconference per 6 months, with an additional teleconference in the months leading up to the OARSI World Congress.
  • Other Work: Responsible for giving advice about the OARSI publication: OA & Cartilage; OA & Cartilage Open. Mainly about recruitment and appointment of editors and contract negotiations with Elsevier.
  • Requirements/Skills for Prospective Members: Be an active member of OARSI (and helpful if is or has been an (associate) editor)

Research and Training
The Research and Training Committee establishes scholarship criteria, reviews applications, and selects scholarship winners. The committee will review existing OARSI research tools on the website and recommend updates, and review OA research gaps and future directions for OA position papers.

  • Time Commitment: 15 hours spent on outside work (on average) including assessing scholarship applications and meetings
  • Meetings: The Research and Training Committee typically holds 2-4 teleconferences per year, with an additional teleconference to discuss scholarship issues in the months leading up to the OARSI World Congress and an in-person meeting at the OARSI World Congress.
  • Other Work: Members will be assigned to select training materials and organize training seminars online and on-site.
  • Requirements/Skills for Prospective Members: Most Committee members have experience with research and training.

Strategic Alliances
The Strategic Alliance Committee will identify societies, foundations, groups and industry partners that have an interest in OA and related research and establish mutually beneficial interactions. The goal is to raise awareness and educate groups about osteoarthritis. Interactions may include formal partnerships, joint meetings and workshops. This committee will also be responsible to review requests for initiatives and projects that come to OARSI.

Click here to begin the application.