OARSI Asian Alliance presents Webinar: Year in Review - Molecular Biomarkers of OA

Date/Time: 03/06/2025 07:30am EST to 03/06/2025 08:30am EST
Is Virtual

Ron June, Ph.D.
Montana State University
Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Department of Microbiology & Cell Biology (Affiliate Faculty)

Please join us for an online seminar to explore recent advancements in osteoarthritis research, focusing on the potential of molecular biomarkers to improve diagnosis and treatment outcomes.

This session will discuss the current progress in biomarker development, the challenges remaining in the field, and how metabolomic profiling could play a role in advancing our understanding of osteoarthritis.

Moderated by Chunyi Wen & Xin Zhang

See the flyer to scan the QR code HERE.