Guidelines Committee

The OARSI Board of Directors has established a new Guidelines Committee.

The committee objectives are to:

  • Develop and publish the treatment recommendations.
  • Monitor and update the recommendations regularly and when needed (if new evidence on existing treatments or new treatments/interventions appear).
  • Suggest plan, methods, and processes for the development of new treatment recommendations for Board consideration.
  • Propose funding possibilities and a tentative budget for Board consideration.


Timothy McAlindon
University of Massachusetts Memorial Health

Board Liaison

Eiji Sasaki, MD, PhD
Hirosaki University
 Hirosaki, Japan

Committee Members

Nigel Arden
University of Oxford
Philip Conaghan
University of Leeds
Mark Wilkinson
Constance Chu
Stanford University
Frank Roemer
University of Erlangen
Michelle Hall
University of Melbourne
Ida K. Haugen MD, PhD
Diakonhjemmet Hospital
 Oslo, Norway
Alison Chang
Northwestern University
Rolando Espinosa
National Institute Of Rehabilitation