JEI - Education and Training Programs

Clinicians often feel ‘underprepared’ to manage people with OA, lacking knowledge about recommended practice, how to implement recommendations into routine care, as well as the skills to support patients to make lifestyle changes. The Joint Effort Initiative is working with clinicians, consumers, and researchers to develop resources to help clinicians deliver the best-evidence based osteoarthritis care. 

Core Capability Framework for qualified health professionals to optimize care for people with osteoarthritis

A capability framework can guide clinicians about the knowledge, skills, and behaviors that are required to deliver high-quality care to people with OA. The Joint Effort Initiative has developed a Core Capabilities Framework using consumer participation and an international inter-professional consensus process. The Framework is intended to be applicable to all qualified health professionals involved in OA care. The Framework outlines a core set of capabilities to ensure that any health professional managing OA is able to implement evidence-based care, either directly themselves or as part of an integrated multi-professional team. The Framework aims to set a common standard across all clinicians involved in OA care, at any point on the care pathway, across the disease spectrum, and across healthcare settings. For further information, please refer to this publication or read the Core Capability Framework lay summary.

e-Learning program for health professionals that deliver OA care

We are developing an e-Learning program that offers education and training in the delivery of best evidence OA care. The e-Learning program will be delivered via an internationally available Learning Management System (LMS) and based on the Joint Effort Initiative’s Core Capability Framework. The e-Learning program will have 10 core modules as shown in the infographic. The e-Learning program is being developed by leading clinicians, researchers, and osteoarthritis advocacy organizations. We will evaluate the e-Learning program before it is implemented internationally through the Joint Effort Initiative.

For more information contact Jill Eyles.