OARSI Live Webinar Recordings

OARSI Live webinar recordings are available free to OARSI members. It's just one of your membership benefits. Below is a listing of OARSI Live webinar recordings. All prior webinars are available to members and non-members and can be found HERE

October 16, 2024: Causal Inference and Confounding: Practical Considerations for Study Design and Analysis


September 18, 2024: Placebo, Nocebo and Contextual Effects: The Missed Link in Osteoarthritis

May 15, 2024:  Artificial Intelligence in Osteoarthritis Imaging


March 20, 2024: Pre-Clinical to Clinical Perspectives of OA Pain: Where is the Field Going?


February 21, 2024: Evaluating and Implementing Models of Care for Osteoarthritis: Challenges, Opportunities and Future Directions


November 1, 2023: Obesity and OA Research: Bridging Bench to Bedside




September 20, 2023:  Engineering New Cell Therapies for OA


July 19, 2023: Telehealth for People with OA  



May 17, 2023: Early OA and Prevention


April 19, 2023 Webinar: Causal Inference from Observational Data: Target Trial Emulation

February 15, 2023 Webinar:  FNIH Osteoarthritis Biomarkers Consortium Update

January 18, 2023 Webinar:  Challenges and Opportunities of  Phenotyping in Osteoarthritis

November 16, 2022 Webinar:  Town Hall with OARSI Officers and New Board Members

October 20, 2022 Webinar:  Linking the Question, Method and Analysis in Qualitative Behavioral Science / Clinical OA Research 


September 21, 2022 Webinar: Are shots better than squats? Have we oversold the benefits of exercise for osteoarthritis?


August 17, 2022 Webinar: Title: The good, the bad and the translatable: An ECI panel discussion on mouse models of post-traumatic osteoarthritis

July 20, 2022 Webinar: The Changing Use of Joint Replacement Surgery Around the World



June 15, 2022 Webinar:  Highlights from 2022 World Congress Poster Collection:  Advanced Technologies in OA

May 18, 2022 Webinar: Highest Ranked Abstracts from 2022 OARSI Hybrid World Congress: Omics Investigations of OA



Should we use Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) for knee osteoarthritis? An evidence-based discussion


Description:  An evidence-based discussion. Moderated by Dr. Jeff Katz (Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston), this session will feature presentations from Professor Kim Bennell (The University of Melbourne), lead author of the RESTORE randomized clinical trial recently published in JAMA; and Associate Professor Daniel White (The University of Delaware).
Moderator: Jeff Katz, MD, MSc, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Kim Bennell, PT, PhD, The University of Melbourne
Daniel White, PT, ScD, MSc, University of Delaware


Journal Club: Deciphering osteoarthritis genetics across 826,690 individuals from 9 populations


Description:  In this webinar, we will discuss a recently published genome-wide association study, “Deciphering osteoarthritis genetics across 826,690 individuals from 9 populations” (DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.07.038). The study represents the largest GWAS to date, identifying new genetic variants in both weight-bearing (knee, hip, and spine) and non-weight-bearing joints (hand, finger, and thumb). We will discuss methods, possible clinical implications, and future directions. Bring your questions and thoughts for an engaging discussion!
Moderator: Margreet Kloppenburg, MD, PhD, Leiden University Medical Center
Michelle Yau, PhD, MPH, Hebrew SeniorLife, Harvard Medical School
Cindy G. Boer, PhD, Erasmus Medical Center

Evidence-Informed Strategies for OA Prevention Related to Sport, Exercise, and Physical Activity

Description: OARSI’s OA Prevention SEPA Discussion Group will be hosting this webinar, in which four presenters will highlight their work published in the recent special issue on OA Prevention in OARSI's Journal, Osteoarthritis & Cartilage, followed by Q&A. 
Moderators: Adam Culvenor and Ewa Roos
Speakers: Melissa Haberfield, Aileen Davis, Jas Chahal, Stephanie Filbay, Martin Englund