Dear OARSI Membership,
Happy New Year!
Over the last few months, OARSI has monitored the political turbulence in South-Korea, but happy to note that the country and people have very high democratic resilience. It is still rated one of the safest countries in Asia to travel to, and there are no recommended travel restrictions for business or tourism.
The abstract notifications for our World Congress in Incheon, South Korea were sent out yesterday, January 13. The registration site is open, and please do register for the Saturday Congress Dinner as well which promises a great opportunity to socialize with colleagues and friends as well as be challenged by my own OARSI Music Quiz. Which members(s) will become our musical wizard(s)?
I’m also happy to let you know the late-breaking abstract submission site is open until February 7.
The scientific program is online. Program Chair Mona Dvir-Ginzberg and Abstract Chair Muneaki Ishijima and their fellow Program Committee members have done amazing work to offer a truly exciting line-up of scientific topics and invited speakers.
Incheon is part of the capital Seoul area and the Songdo Convensia is located about 1hr 30 min from the vibrant mega-city of Seoul (or 45 min express train from the Incheon airport (ICN). There is excellent modern community transportation for fast, convenient and inexpensive travel. As noted before, I suggest, if you have the possibility, to take this opportunity to spend a few extra days of vacation to experience the amazing sights and culture of South Korea!
Myeong-dong, the ultimate destination for one-stop shopping (Source: VISITKOREA)
The City of Incheon plans to have a welcome booth at the Incheon Airport and will provide complimentary shuttle transport service for OARSI registrants to/from the Incheon Airport and Songdo Convensia. The transfer time is about 1 hr. The options of alternative accommodation and housing (guest houses etc.) are also very reasonable in Incheon for members on a tight budget.
To already note in your calendars, our meeting on April 23-26, 2026, will be held in West Palm Beach, Florida, USA, and on April 1-4, 2027 (NB changed date), we are scheduled for Barcelona, Spain.
Finally, as always, please consider our two high-quality scientific journals to publish your work! Our two Co-Editors in Chief for OAC, Anne-Marie Malfait and David Hunter, and Editor in Chief for OAC Open, Henning Madry, all do truly amazing work with their editorial teams.
Greetings from Sweden and Best Wishes for 2025!
OARSI inspires!
Martin Englund, MD, PhD
OARSI President