What Rare Diseases Can Tell Us About OA
James Gallagher, PhD, University of Liverpool
Biological Agents in OA - Hopes and Disappointments
Dr. Xavier Chevalier, MD, PhD, Hôpitaux de Paris
The Role of Synovium in the Onset and Progression Of OA
Naoshi Fukui, MD, PhD, University of Tokyo
Advanced Imaging of Cartilage Repair
Siegfried Trattnig, MD, Vienna General Hospital
The Potential for Dietary Factors to Prevent or Treat OA
Ian Clark, PhD, University of East Anglia
Followed by the OARSI Annual Business Meeting
Ali Mobasheri, DPhil (Oxon)
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Valentina Pedoia, PhD, University of California San Francisco
In Vivo Load-Induced OA In the Mouse
Marjolein van der Meulen, PhD, Cornell University
Cartilage/Bone Crosstalk in Joint Health and Disease
Tamara Alliston, PhD University of California San Francisco
Guidelines and Recommendations in Treating Hand OA
Tanja Stamm, PhD, Dr. rer. biol. hum, MSc, MBA, Medical University of Vienna
Mediation Analysis: Understanding Causal Pathways to Disease Outcomes
S. Reza Jafarzadeh, DVM, MPVM, PhD, Boston University School of Medicine
From Gut To OA
Michael Zuscik, PhD, University of Colorado
Highest Rated Abstracts from Young Investigators (Part I)
Highest Rated Abstracts from Young Investigators (Part II)
Year In Review
OA Clinical; Epidemiology and Therapy
George Peat, PhD, Keele University
Rehabilitation & Outcomes
Jackie Whittaker, PT, PhD University of Alberta
Genetics, Genomics, Epigenetics
Mohit Kapoor, PhD, Krembil Research Institute, University Health Network
OA Biology
Martijn van den Bosch, PhD, Radboud University Medical Center
Mechanics in OA
Janie Wilson, PhD, McMaster University
Clinical Trial Symposium
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