The primer is an educational tool for persons seeking to acquire basic and clinical knowledge about osteoarthritis. This includes scientists, graduate students, educators, and any training clinicians involved in OA management including Rheumatology, Orthopaedics, Primary Care and Allied Health.
Chapters include:
Epidemiology of OA- Tuhina Neogi,Joanne Jordan, Yuqing Zhang
Burden of OA- Jeffrey Katz, Elenz Losina
The Normal Synovial Joint- A. Robin Poole
Pathology of OA-Donald Salter, Joseph Buckwalter, Linda Sandell
OA Pathogenesis
Human Genetics- John Loughlin
Role of Obesity-Pascal Richette
Role of Mechanics-Emily McWalter, Angela Kedgley, David Wilson
Genesis of Pain-Thomas Schnitzer
Cell Signals in OA- Peter van der Kraan ,Wim van den Berg,
Chondrocyte Differentiation and OA- Martin Lotz
Inflammation and OA-Miguel Otero, Richard Loeser, Mary Goldring
Proteinases and OA- Amanda Fosang
Experimental Models of OA-Christopher Little
Disease Diagnosis and Clinical Presentation- Michael Doherty, Abishek Abishek
Monitoring Patient Outcomes-Gillian Hawker, Aileen Davis
Imaging-Frank Roemer, Timothy Mosher, Felix Eckstein, , Jeffrey Duryea
Biochemical Markers-J. Ch. Rousseau, Patrick Garnero
Management of OA
Non-Pharmacologic Approach- Katherine Sanchez, Francois Rannou
Pharmacologic Intervention- Francis Berenbaum, Jeremie Sallam
Surgical Intervention- Glenn Wera ,Victor Goldberg
Disease Modification-Gloria Matthews
Clinical Trial Design- Jeffrey Driban ,Tim McAlindon
The international scope of authors were selected on the basis of their expertise in their respective areas. Each chapter was reviewed by another expert in the field.
You are able to download chapters or the entire book but we ask that it be used for educational purposes only and not be reproduced. You are also able to comment on the chapter and in this way a dialogue will be established among all the readers.
The Editors of the Primer are.
Yves Henrotin, PhD, University of Liege, Belgium
David Hunter, MBBS, PhD, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Hiroshi Kawaguchi, MD, PhD, University of Tokyo, Japan
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