OARSI offers travel awards to attend the annual congress and also provides OARSI scholarships that allow young researchers to work at different national and international institutions for 2-3 months.
Additionally, various other organizations can provide funding in the form of fellowships, project grants, studentships and travel awards. Some of these are listed below.
Sources of funding in the U.S.
U.S. Government:
- NIH (National Institutes of Health)
- NIH weekly updates listserve
- NIAMS (National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases) - Basic and clinical arthritis research
- NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) - Also support immunology research
- NIH Loan Repayment Program - For clinical researchers with educational loans
- U.S. Government grants - Includes government agencies like CDC, AHRQ
- National Science Foundation - Basic sciences research
- The Arthritis Foundation - Revolving awards, includes post-doc funding, established researchers, and career development awards
- US Bone and Joint Decade - Mentoring workshops, links to other sources
- Orthopedic Research and Education Foundation - For surgeons interested in research
- International Cartilage Repair Society - Travel fellowships
- Arthritis National Research Foundation
Sources of funding in the UK
- The Academy of Medical Sciences - Offers mentorship, a national clinical scientist fellowship and travel awards between the UK and Middle East.
- Versus Arthritis (Formerly Arthritis Research UK) - Clinical and basic science funding covering PhD studentships, fellowships and educational grants.
- Biochemical Society - Travel awards and PhD Studentships
- Biotechnology and Biology Research Sciences Council - Grants, fellowships, studentships
- British Orthopaedic Research Society - Travelling fellowships
- British Orthopaedic Association - Research grants for clinicians
- British Society for Matrix Biology - Travel awards and bursaries
- British Society for Rheumatology
Travel awards
- Bupa Foundation - Research grants in surgery and preventative health.
- The Canon Foundation - Research Fellowships between Japan and Europe
- The Chartered Society for Physiotherapy - Funding for formal education programmes and travel
- Chronic Disease Research Foundation - Postgraduate, Project and Travel funding for research into the genetic cause of ageing-related diseases.
- The Dunhill Medical Trust - Grants and fellowships for ageing-related research
- European Calcified Tissue Society - Travel awards, fellowships, exchange grants and studentships.
- GlaxoSmithKline - Research support through sponsorship and collaboration
- International Bone Research Association - Research support through sponsorship and collaboration
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science - Fellowship funding for collaborative work with research groups in Japan
- The Leverhulme Trust - Fellowships, project grants and travel awards.
- The Medical Research Council - Grants, studentships and fellowships.
- National Institute for Health Research - Grants for health related research
- The Royal Society - Fellowships and travel awards
- Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh - Small research grants, training fellowships, research fellowships and travel awards
- Royal College of Surgeons of England - Scholarships for medical students to continue their studies, training fellowships, research fellowships, grants and travel awards
- Society of Radiographers
Fellowship and Research Funding
- The Wellcome Trust - Research support, equipment, fellowships, travel, studentships and undergraduate awards
- Institutional - Don’t forget to check with your own institutions, as there are often internal funding opportunities!
Other helpful websites
- Clinical Academic Jobs - A complete listing of current clinical academic job vacancies and clinical research opportunities in UK Medical Schools can be found at:
- Nature Jobs
- National Institure for Health Research, RDInfo - Information on a range of funding sources